Hi, everyone!
In case you don’t follow me on Twitter or Facebook, I’ve been teasing snippets from Rusty Nailed!
Thanks to Gel for the amazing pic quote!
Pre-Order RUSTY NAILED from any site and submit proof of pre-order or receipt to giveaways@aliceclayton.com to be entered to win Caroline’s favorite KitchenAid Artisan mixer (in any color you choose!)
hi! i preordered Rusty Nailed on Amazon but i can’t find where i’ supposed to send the receipt to enter. the link provided always goes to error 404 – not there. please let me know where i can send my receipt! would love to be entered in this contest!
Great teaser! I pre-ordered it 🙂
Hi Alice, I cant wait for this book. Im still rereading the redhead series & I will write to you when I’m done. We met at the book signing in fullerton, hoping you remember me. ! Taje care.
Some people are looking forward to vacation, I’m looking forward to Rusty Nailed!!!!!! Can’t freaking wait!!! Love you Alice Clayton!!!!!!
Hi, just wondering if your comp is opened internationally?? Also can I share your comp pic on our Facebook page?? Thanks.
Hi Alice,
We met in Fullerton Barnes& Noble book signing. I told you I would tell you when I finished the Redhead series, I just finished had to reread all three. It was bloody brilliant to say the least. I throughly enjoyed book 3 and the hea. Boy, I yotally didn’t see Holly being pregnant! What a shock but happy for them. Loved how you kept us hanging from one book to another. Going over to Amazon to write my reviews on each book. Just noticed that you are in San Diego for com con have fun lots of crazy people I hear! Email if you want to meet for bit. Take care & Thank you!
Pre-Ordered!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!
LOVE your books!!!! Cant wait for rusty nailed. Preordered it quite a while ago 😉
When will we can read it in Spanish?! You are so funny, I love your books!